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The Advantages of Remote Working

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Remote work has been on the rise for a few years now, and it's not showing any signs of slowing down. Remote work has a long list of benefits for employees, like having increased flexibility, being completely location independent, and being able to focus on their work from the comfort of their own home. While the benefits for the employees are important to their job satisfaction, there have to be some equally rewarding advantages for the employer as well. 

Remote work provides organizations with the opportunity to hire talent across the globe, but sometimes, compliantly hiring and paying talent from another country can feel like a tall task. However, that doesn’t always have to be the case — whether you're hiring for remote work in the US from Canada or across the pond, Borderless makes the hiring process smooth and seamless. By onboarding new remote employees efficiently, organizations are able to reap the full benefits of having a remote work initiative. Aside from access to a wide talent pool, remote work has shown that employees are more productive and happier within their roles, which, in turn, minimizes employee turnover rates.

Overall, remote work has benefits for both employees and employers. Read on to know more about the main advantages of remote working for organizations.

Improved Workplace Productivity

When the remote work phenomenon first skyrocketed, many had concerns about employee productivity and whether they would be distracted working from home. Despite these initial concerns, many employers have found that remote working leads to an increase in productivity and better overall performance for their workforce. While working on-site is excellent for collaboration and spur-of-the-moment creativity, it can be full of distractions. 

Employees that work remotely can configure their work environment best suited for their needs and productivity. Working from home or a coworking office, especially when remote employees are provided with the right tools, they can focus for hours at a time without any distraction. As a result, their productivity increases and so does their quality of work. With a better quality of work among employees, less time is spent correcting and giving feedback, and more time is spent focusing on valuable projects that maximizes the business’s output.

Happier and Healthier Employees

The flexibility within remote work allows for better work-life balance, and in the long run, remote employees are happier. When employees feel rested and happier, their work and productivity improves. The extra time with loved ones, the ability to manage personal time, and the avoidance of commuting are just a few reasons why remote employees are happier with their jobs. 

Without commuting long hours to offices, remote employees are able to have better sleep schedules and throughout the day, they're able to cook healthy lunches and dinners rather than relying on quick and convenient meal options. Improved mental and physical health of employees only has long-term benefits for everyone involved.

Lower Turnover Rates

As the remote work landscape expands, so do employee retention rates. When employees — both remote and on-site — are respected and appreciated in their roles, the organization as a whole will face lower turnover rates. People change jobs for a wide variety of reasons, but, more often than not, it has to do with location. With remote working, though, valuable employees won't have to leave their current position because they're moving to a different city. They can continue to be an integral part of the team, just from a different location.

Allowing employees to work remotely shows that the organization trusts them and knows that they'll accomplish all necessary tasks while still having the crucial work-life balance they crave. When organizations give employees the ability to work remotely, employees are empowered to give back to the company by working hard and remaining at the company.

Access to a Wider Talent Pool

One of the most significant advantages of remote work is that employees are (mostly) location independent. As a result, organizations aren't restricted to a specific location when looking to recruit new talent; they have access to a wide talent pool that's nationwide or even worldwide — if you’re willing to be savvy about it. By having access to a wide talent pool, organizations have the opportunity to meet with candidates who have the specific skillset necessary for the role. 

Hiring employees that are familiar with a specialized role, and in a way, trained for that role, minimizes the time and money that would be spent on extensive training. Without needing to train an  employee, organizations can focus on building connections and helping them better understand the company’s culture.

Experiencing the Full Benefits of Remote Work

To some, remote work may make some things more complicated, such as collaboration, security and compliance, and new employee onboarding. However, the advantages of remote work, like improved productivity, lower turnover rates, and access to global talent, far outweigh the disadvantages. 

When hiring global talent, it's critical to have a secure and compliant EOR platform to assist in the onboarding process. Working with Borderless for global employer of record services helps organizations overcome any technical, cultural, and legal challenges that come with remote working. With Borderless taking care of the onboarding process, no matter where a new hire is from, organizations can focus on engaging with their new employees and assimilating them into the company from the get go. 


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