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AI is no longer just a buzzword—it's a transformative force, reshaping how companies operate, especially in HR. Yet, many HR leaders find themselves grappling with where to begin and how to navigate this complex terrain. To shed light on this, we will be publishing a spotlight series featuring innovative people leaders who have successfully integrated AI into their practices.

To kick the series off, we sat down with Anthony Onesto, Chief People Officer at Suzy. Here’s what he had to say about embracing AI, the challenges, and the best practices for HR leaders.

Anthony’s Journey

Anthony’s path into HR wasn’t straightforward. Originally studying accounting, he quickly realized that it wasn’t for him. “I’m a failed accountant,” he joked, explaining how he pivoted into recruiting and eventually found himself immersed in the world of startups. Over the years, Anthony has held various roles in people operations and strategy, consistently driven by a love for innovation and creativity. “I like building and architecting things,” he said, reflecting on his passion for creating something new rather than maintaining the status quo.

This passion naturally led him to explore AI, especially in its potential to streamline HR processes. About a decade ago, while working at Razorfish, Anthony first dabbled in AI by attempting to develop a chatbot that could answer common HR queries. Although the technology at the time was limited, this experience planted the seed for his ongoing interest in AI.

“History is repeating itself,” he noted, pointing out how AI was a hot topic back then, much like it is today. But it wasn’t until the advent of tools like ChatGPT that he truly saw the potential of AI to revolutionize HR. “I feel like this is going to have a greater impact on everything—like plumbing and electricity,” he said, underscoring AI's profound and far-reaching implications.

Anthony Onesto

“AI isn't everything, but not having it is, right?”

-Anthony Onesto, CPO at Suzy

Best Practices for HR Leaders Embracing AI

For HR leaders who are eager to explore AI but unsure where to start, Anthony offers some practical advice:

  1. Just Dive In and Experiment:

    “Don’t overthink it—just do it,” he emphasized. Anthony recommends starting by simply playing around with AI tools like ChatGPT or other similar platforms. “See what’s possible,” he said. “Once you understand the capabilities, you can then look at where these technologies can save you time and make your processes more efficient.”

  2. Focus on Simple, Practical Applications:

    One of the easiest ways to start integrating AI is in internal communications and policy development. “Instead of staring at a blank page, use AI to generate a first draft,” Anthony suggested. He emphasized that while AI can do the heavy lifting, HR professionals should view themselves as editors, refining the AI-generated content to suit their specific needs.

  3.  Make AI Culturally Acceptable:

    To successfully implement AI, it’s crucial to foster a culture where using these tools is not only accepted but encouraged. At Suzy, Anthony’s team created an “AI First” Slack channel where employees share articles, best practices, and innovative use cases. “We’re showing folks it’s okay to use these systems,” he said, adding that company cultural acceptance is key to widespread adoption.

Overcoming Challenges in AI Adoption

Even with the best intentions, adopting AI isn’t without its challenges. For Suzy, the biggest hurdles were security concerns and getting employees comfortable with using the new technology. To address these, the company secured an enterprise license for ChatGPT, ensuring that sensitive data wouldn’t be compromised. “Our IT and security teams were enablers, not blockers,” Anthony explained. For true AI adoption company-wide, the collaboration between HR and other departments is essential to overcome new challenges as they arise.

Another challenge was simply getting people to start using the tools. “People aren’t sure what to use it for,” he said. To mitigate this, Anthony’s team focused on making AI usage socially acceptable within the company, showcasing practical applications in both work and personal contexts.

The Future of AI in HR

Looking ahead, Anthony is particularly excited about the potential of autonomous agents—AI that doesn’t just provide information but takes action on behalf of the user. “I want to be able to go into the system and say, ‘Do this particular action,’ and have it done,” he said. He envisions a future where AI handles routine tasks, freeing up HR professionals to focus on more strategic initiatives.

Anthony also believes that conversational AI will become the primary interface for interacting with software. “We’re now talking to software,” he said, predicting that this will be the norm for HR and beyond. From applying for jobs to managing PTO requests, he sees a future where these interactions are seamless conversations with AI, rather than clicking through forms.

Final Thoughts

As AI continues to evolve, it’s clear that it will play an increasingly central role in HR and the business at large. Anthony’s advice to HR leaders is simple yet powerful: Embrace the change, experiment fearlessly, and leverage AI to enhance, not replace, the human element in HR. “I’m an optimist,” he said. “There’s so much potential in these technologies—let’s see where they can take us.”
By following Anthony’s lead, HR teams can not only navigate the AI landscape but also become pioneers in harnessing its power to drive their organizations forward.

About Anthony

Anthony Onesto the Chief People Office at Suzy, is an on-demand consumer research software platform used to deliver insights for concept testing, creative research, package testing, and UX testing. He is a leading expert on culture, human resources, and talent. Anthony joined the Suzy team to help scale and drive its mission and vision around culture, talent, and human resources. Anthony brings a unique approach to Human Resources, using design-thinking principles to build a human-centered organization.

Connect and follow Anthony on Linkedin and his website.

About Borderless AI

Borderless AI is a global payroll solution that leverages the power of generative AI to automate and speed up the process of onboarding, managing, and paying international team members. Ready to learn more? Book a demo today.

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