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Top Skills for the Future: Staying Ahead of the Curve in the Competition for Talent | Borderless AI

Written by Borderless Team | Mar 28, 2024 8:47:00 PM

We’re living in an era defined by rapid digital transformation, and the competition for talent is fiercer than ever. To not only keep pace but also get ahead, you need to have a multifaceted skill set. 

Along with solid technical skills, there are a range of soft skills employers are looking for. Keep reading to find out what the best skills to learn for the future are. 

Top 12 High Demand Skills of the Future

1. Digital Literacy

In today's world, digital literacy is no longer an option; it's a foundational skill. It's about confidently navigating our digital landscape and staying attuned to emerging technologies that can impact our work. 

Data literacy is not only about efficiency but also security and privacy, which is becoming increasingly important as our lives and work move increasingly more online. As a result, 92% of jobs require digital literacy skills. 

A key part of being digitally savvy is dedicating yourself to lifelong learning. Technology is always changing. . From web development and cloud computing skills, to artificial intelligence, basic computer systems and everything in between. Staying curious and adapting to new trends is essential. 

Improving your digital skills opens doors to more information and opportunities. So, do your best to keep up.

2. Data Literacy and Storytelling 

Data literacy is more than just understanding data. It's about knowing how to use it and making informed decisions that are driven by it. It also means being able to explain its significance and nuances. 

Data has become a building block of business operations. Companies rely on it to make decisions and get things done efficiently. From understanding customer preferences to tracking product performance, data helps businesses keep their finger on the pulse. 

As a result, data literacy is one of the most in-demand tech skills for the future. In 2025, about 70% of employees are expected to use data as part of their jobs, which is a big jump from the 40% who did so in 2018. As a result, data literacy is one of the most in demand skills in Canada, the US, Europe, and in countries worldwide. 

To become digitally literate, there are a few things to keep in mind. Knowing how to work with data, extract meaningful insights, and effectively communicate your findings is important. True data literacy is the ability to make informed decisions rather than blindly follow information.

3. Critical Thinking

Critical thinking skills are essential in today's world, flooded with information and misinformation. It means not blindly accepting what you hear or read, but instead asking questions and examining evidence. 

Critical thinking helps you distinguish between facts and fiction. It's about being both skeptical and open-minded. This is especially important in today’s Information Age and will continue to play an important role in whatever comes next

Critical thinking is becoming more and more important in the job market. Companies understand the need for employees who can handle complicated problems, look at information objectively, and make informed decisions. 

4. Emotional Intelligence

You might be surprised to hear that emotional intelligence is an important skill to have in the workplace. In today's workplaces, it plays a major role. 

Work has become more collaborative. According to the Harvard Business Review, over the past two decades, the time managers and employees spend on “collaborative activities” has increased by more than 50%. 

As a result, it’s become more and more important to understand and manage your emotions and recognize the feelings of your colleagues. This is where emotional intelligence comes in. It helps create good relationships, solve problems, and make work a positive and productive place.

Along with improving teamwork, emotional intelligence offers a range of other benefits. First, employees with strong emotional intelligence are usually great communicators, which is crucial for a strong and effective workforce. 

People with high emotional intelligence also usually perform better at work, with 90% of top performers having strong emotional intelligence. 

Feel like your intelligence is lacking in the emotional department? That doesn’t have to hold you back – there’s always room to grow and improve. In fact, in a study conducted by Motorola, employees became 93% more productive after training in stress management and emotional intelligence. 

5. Creativity and Innovative Thinking

Automation is taking over routine tasks. It’s simplifying complex, tedious processes and boosting efficiency. However, business leaders still recognize the need for human innovation. As a result, the rise of automation is making creativity a sought-after skill. 

Creativity is a valuable tool that applies to a wide range of professions, not just those traditionally associated with artistic roles.

Firstly, creativity fuels innovation by generating fresh and practical ideas. It also enhances productivity by encouraging smarter working methods and preventing workplace monotony.

Creativity helps employees break free from rigid thinking patterns, which can get in the way of growth. By encouraging a fresh perspective, it opens doors to innovative solutions. As a result, employees across industries are looking for individuals with a knack for creativity. 

6. Collaboration

As we mentioned earlier, collaboration is becoming more common at work. More than half of the workers in the United States say it’s a critical part of their jobs

The nature of work is evolving, with remote and hybrid teams becoming the norm. So, effective collaboration is essential to keep everyone connected and productive. It means working well with coworkers, regardless of where everyone’s located. 

As a professional nowadays, it helps to be familiar with the range of collaboration tools businesses rely on. In fact, over half of employers use online collaboration tools and social media.

But don't worry if you don’t have experience with Slack, Notion, Zoom, or other popular collaboration tools out there. They’re all relatively easy to use and built to be intuitive for users. Also, who knows what other collaboration tools will hit the market in the years to come? Just make sure to stay agile and open to new technologies. And most importantly, make collaboration a top priority. 

7. Flexibility

To go off our last point, flexibility is one of the most in-demand skills of the future. Change is a constant in the modern workplace, and flexibility means being okay with change. It also means welcoming new tech and seeing opportunities, not problems. Flexible people do well in changing situations and remain resilient to uncertainty. 

Employers value flexible individuals. They’re good people to have around when issues arise because they can adapt quickly and find solutions to keep things on track. 

Flexibility is also an important skill to have as technology constantly evolves online. For example, think about the world of digital marketing. It's a field where things change rapidly, and companies rely on professionals who can stay ahead of the curve. 

Those who can adjust their marketing strategies quickly to fit the latest trends and tech are valuable assets. Being open to change and embracing new digital tools and strategies is essential for success in the ever-changing job market.

8. Leadership Skills

In today's world of freelance work and flexible company structures, leadership matters more than ever. Our workplaces are changing, and employers are looking for individuals who can lead. 

You might lead a project with a group of colleagues, work alongside other freelancers, or have a traditional management role. No matter your title, being able to bring out the best in people is a valuable skill to have. You don’t need to be a thought leader to inspire others. 

Leadership is no longer confined to the top tier; it's a skill required at all levels of an organization. Being a good leader, whether you're leading a project, a team, or a whole department, means you can support and inspire others. 

9. Time Management

In today's rapidly changing work landscape, effective time management is one of the best skills to learn for the future. When you know how to manage your time well, you’re better equipped to handle complex workloads and maintain productivity. It also helps you navigate common challenges many of us face, such as information overload and digital distractions. 

As remote work and flexible schedules become the norm, mastering time management is a must. It's not only about handling tasks efficiently it's also about staying flexible in different work situations.

Good time management ensures everything runs smoothly in an era of global collaboration across different time zones. It also helps strike a balance between work and personal life. This is a plus for employers and employees alike, as work-life balance has been proven to boost productivity and employee satisfaction. 

Mastering time management is one of the keys to success in today's ever-changing job market. It's about using your time wisely, both at work and in your personal life, to thrive in a dynamic world.

10. Curiosity and Continuous Learning

Curiosity and a commitment to continuous, active learning will help you get ahead in today's fast-paced world. They are the keys to staying relevant as the competition for talent heightens.

Industries are in constant flux, so keeping your skills and expertise up-to-date is essential. Holding onto a sense of curiosity will help you get there. 

It’ll also help you adapt to new challenges. In today's unpredictable world, it's important for employees to keep learning. Continuous learning gives people the problem-solving skills and knowledge they need to tackle challenges, no matter how tough they are.

Try your best to build a growth mindset. Pursue learning opportunities wherever you can, whether that's reskilling or upskilling. Don’t stay stagnant – be open to growing and learning as a professional. It’ll only propel you forward and make you stand out as a top candidate. Curiosity and continuous learning are essential for personal and professional development in our ever-changing world.

11. Problem-Solving

A “can-do attitude” is one of the best skills to learn for the future. It stems from the belief that anything is possible if you set your mind to it and is a driving force in solving complex problems at work. 

Organizations face complex challenges that demand individuals who can offer innovative solutions and make decisions based on data. 

While automation and AI handle routine tasks, employers need humans to oversee and build on these systems. This makes complex problem-solving a highly valuable human skill. 

Individuals who can effectively work with people from diverse backgrounds and with different perspectives are highly valuable in projects that involve multiple disciplines or fields of study. Their ability to bridge the gap between these diverse areas makes them highly sought after and essential contributors to such projects.

12. Technology Design and Programming

As businesses and industries become more digital, there's a huge demand for professionals who know how to design and program technology. These are some of the best skills to learn for the future. 

The future looks promising for web developers and digital designers, with a projected employment growth rate of 16% from 2022 to 2032 in the US. This is rapid employment growth compared to most other jobs.

An average of approximately 19,000 job openings for web developers and digital designers are anticipated each year during this time frame. These opportunities will materialize as some workers shift to different careers or retire, making space for fresh talent to enter the field. So, there's a bright outlook for those pursuing web development and digital design careers.

As advanced tech like augmented reality and AI become more and more commonplace, the demand for professionals with the skills to harness them is on the rise. Plus, in a world where keeping information safe is increasingly important, experts in keeping systems and data security are critical. 

How Do I Upskill or Reskill My Team?

If you want to level up your team, it’s wise to consider upskilling or reskilling. To clarify, upskilling is the process of brushing up on in-demand skills you already have, while reskilling is all about learning a new skill. To upskill or reskill your team effectively, taking these steps can help:

Allocate Funds: Invest in upskilling programs and platforms as a long-term investment in your team's capabilities.

Encourage Career Development: Motivate your team by offering incentives for milestones and providing access to online recognition platforms. Incorporate paid training time into their workdays.

Microlearning: Utilize bite-sized, flexible microlearning sessions, including videos, presentations, and podcasts, with visual elements to engage visual learners. Personalize the content to match individual preferences.

Peer-to-Peer Mentorship: Establish mentorship programs to connect team members, enhance career development, and increase retention rates.

Outsource Expert Advice: Bring in external consultants or coaches to inspire and support your team's upskilling efforts. Make coaching accessible to all team members through various formats, including one-on-one sessions and self-directed modules.

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